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Georg Peterseil

Georg Peterseil is an architect and member of the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland. He was born and raised in Vienna, Austria, and received his degree from the Technical University Vienna. As a self-employed architect he has focuses on ecological and sustainable design for the last 30 years.


After meeting Bettina, his second wife, he moved to Ireland, built his own home on an empty piece of bogland, home-schooled his children and established his own practice as an architect.

During this time he developed an intimate relationship with his family, his home and the surrounding environment. As an architect he is familiar with all the different aspects of architectural work, from sketch design to planning permissions, detailing, site supervision and town planning. With the support of shamanism and meditation he has moved beyond the mere material aspect of architecture and now incorporates the energetic essence of places into his work.


This energetic connection allows him to shift negative energies in places and spaces. It also informs his designs, supports a harmonious building process and enables the owners enter an intimate relationship with their house.


Working at this subatomic level with a building and a place, revolutionises the way we relate to the places we inhabit. His way of connecting to the earth and a building offers a truly sustainable way of working with both a place and the built environment.


Jonathan Horwitz

Georg Peterseil has given us a beautiful manual, both grounded and deeply spiritual, about energy and how we can keep it flowing freely, not only in buildings and places and relationships, but also in ourselves.

– Jonathan Horwitz, Co-Director at the Scandinavian Center for Shamanic Studies

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