The theme of our website is home coming. This has been our individual and joint quest. How does this relate to our different focus points of our place and house, our life story, Georg’s book ‘House Whisper’, Bettina’s poetry book ‘For crying out loud, voice of an exile’ and her collages?
Home is not a place. It is a feeling. Yet - as life is paradox - when we feel at home, we feel home in our surroundings. Transforming an empty piece of bog land into a bog garden and building our house brought us closer to ourselves. Working with the land and timber and brick created a connection between us, the earth and the burned clay.
When Bettina collects discarded pieces from the ground and arranges them into a whole, she gives each piece their unique place on the canvas. In the present moment a connection is created between the piece and Bettina. In this connection the lost piece finds its place. This work becomes a mirror of her own inner journey home.
When Bettina writes poems of longing and exile, the making aware of the pain of separation transforms into a sense of belonging.
When Georg connects on an invisible, energetic level with the spirit of a house or place, the spirit reveals its specific quality. And it also informs where energy is blocked and shows up as a conflict on a material level.
Bettina’s and Georg’s life unfolded by walking step by step into the unknown. This connection between them brought them to Ireland, gave them a vision for the development of the place and their life. It also brought and brings to life all the obstacles to a permanent connection.
All the different ways of home coming move through the same process from separation to connection, from conflict to peace, from ignorance to understanding, from exile to belonging. The outer form is always the vehicle for the inner transformation. As you dive into the different aspects on this website, you will get a sense of how the different forms all lead to the same result: peace, understanding,
What do we mean by home coming?
Our true home is in the present moment.
The miracle is not to walk on water.
The miracle is to walk on green earth in the present moment
- Thich Nat Hanh
We sit here stranded
though we are all doing our best to deny it...
- Bob Dylan, Visions of Johanna
I heard a homeless man on the radio saying
that he'd watch people going by
and they all seemed to know
where they were going
and they kept the secret from him.
- Roddy Doyle